VIP - Veteran Integration Program
Building trust and belonging through
teamwork, peer-mentoring and shared experience
What is VIP?
The Veteran Integration Program (VIP) refers to the peer-to-peer training and community opportunities that the Mark Divine Courage Foundation offers to veterans .
It starts as a year-long program that empowers veterans through peer and mentor support rooted in Unbeatable Mind mental toughness and emotional resilience integrated training.
Begin your journey to personal growth today:
The Veteran Integration Program involves
In-person events, such as a 3 day Unbeatable Mind retreat, day trips, and more
12 months of individual coaching support by a certified Unbeatable Mind personal, executive, and leadership coach
Unbeatable Mind online integrated training in physical fitness, mental toughness and emotional resilience created by
a veteran
Regular team challenges and personal goal plans
Ongoing mutual peer support and mentorship during and beyond the first year
Take the first step:
After the first 12 months, the program is continuing...
After the 12-month timeline of VIP, participating veterans become alumni of the program and are welcome to join weekly meetings, monthly activities, and coaching.
Alumni become peer mentors to grow a team of teams, offering collaborative peer support as they bring their unique experiences to enrich a pool of strategies helping each other and witnessing the power of hope in post-traumatic growth.
Start your Unbeatable Mind journey right now...
...with a guided breathwork meditation led by founder Mark Divine, and experience first handed what breathwork does for you.
Box Breathing Meditation, led by Mark Divine
Good To Know
Who is Eligible for V.I.P.?
The Mark Divine Courage Foundation application is available for any veteran. There are no physical capacity or health diagnosis requirements. This program is an ideal match for those who are determined to overcome personal challenges, have a willingness to accept coaching, and a desire to embrace the process.
When does the V.I.P. start?
Our online resources are available year-round. For our in-person and coaching offerings (virtual and in-person), rolling applications are currently open.
Where does the Veteran Integration Program take place?
Our online and virtual resources are available to veterans anywhere.
Virtual Veteran Integration Program participants have access to various opportunities hosted by in-person Veteran Integration Program chapters.
NEW: Our in-person offerings are located in Wisconsin USA and from 2024 on in Georgia, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, USA.
How does the Veteran Integration Program work?
Are you a veteran who is ready to commit? You and your fellow Veteran Integration Program members collectively form the team working towards the continuing integration of the training, skills, and resources we equip you with into your lives as we walk with you to augment your development.
Why does VIP work?
Recovery and resilience are consistently associated with at least 6 psychosocial factors: active coping methods, regular physical exercise, a positive outlook, a moral compass, social support, and cognitive flexibility. Our programs based on Mark Divine’s Unbeatable Mind integrated training provide a framework and tools to develop these factors to curtail and prevent the symptoms of PTS in veterans and active duty service members. The training integrates physical, mental, emotional, intuitional and spiritual aspects of one’s being through simple and highly effective self-administered training tools. The methodologies utilized in the program include the body, mind and spirit. This may look like physical training, yoga, mindfulness meditation, breathwork techniques, contemplation, journaling, visualization, positivity reinforcement, goal-setting, teamwork and service. All of these practices have been shown to facilitate growth.
Get in contact
For any requests or questions about The Mark Divine Courage Foundation, our programs, or anythings else... Please, reach out to us: