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Carry The Load

Memorial May National Relay 2024

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We are proud to announce that the Mark Divine Courage Foundation was named a Nonprofit Partner in 2024!

Each year, Carry The Load, through a third-party committee, selects nonprofit partners to provide healing services for the mind, body, and soul of our warriors.

To allow these partners to focus directly on their outreach programs, Carry The Load creates an environment of financial support for beneficiary partners and collaboration with all to achieve a greater impact nationwide.

Mark Divine, Founder of the Courage Foundation

Thank you for coming with us!

Team Courage participated at the The Carry The Load  "Memorial May National Relay 2024"

Every May, Carry The Load honors our fallen heroes by "carrying them" during the month of May in the National Relay. This event is designed so that everyone across our great country can participate. This year, there have been 5 different legs of the relay, and as always, they all terminated in Dallas for the Dallas Memorial March on Memorial Day. 

32 Days, 20,000 Miles, 48 States, 5 Routes, 1 Mission:

Honor The True Meaning Of Memorial Day

Actual Route Guides 2024:

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How did Team Courage participate?

Team Courage was participating with its members on each of the 5 routes, and supported the mission of Carry The Load and the Memorial May National Relay nationwide.

Every supporter who joined Team Courage and donated $50 received this year's Carry The Load t-shirt.

Everyone, who joined the team, could set up a Facebook fundraiser with the push of a button and was able to share the story with friends to support the Courage Foundation's cause.

To join Team Courage, please follow this link, or use the QR-code:

What to do?

  1. Log onto our team page HERE

  2. Join our team, or donate.
    Please note: To receive the Courage Foundation T-shirt, please join Team Courage first and then make a donation. When your fundraising total reaches $50, we will send you the Team Courage T-shirt pictured above!

  3. Select a Participation Type
    We ask that you choose Option 2: Memorial May Fundraiser – No Fee and consider making an initial donation. With  your $50 or more donation, you will receive an Courage Foundation Carry the Load t-shirt.
    Additionally, if you raise $200 or more, you will receive a free t-shirt from Carry The Load as an official “Load Carrier” of the Memorial Day fundraiser.

    REMEMBER: 100% of donations/funds raised on our Team Courage pages come back to The Mark Divine Courage Foundation.

Get in contact

For any requests or questions about The Mark Divine Courage Foundation, our programs, or anythings else... Please, reach out to us:

Thanks for submitting!

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